People usually earn to pay off for their living expenses and save a bit to fulfill a predetermined goal or face emergencies. Every individual has a unique way of safeguarding/investing their money. Some prefer a locker at home, some uses bank accounts but the smartest ones invest their money in mutual funds because they understand “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai”. We, at MySIPonline, suggest that investing in the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund will definitely help you in accomplishing your goal. In the current time, when the interest rates by banks have dipped, these funds have emerged as the most favorite of investors. They not only yield optimal returns but the risk factor is also bearable.
The Vision That UTI Mutual Fund Holds
This fund house aims to be the most admired and trusted brand of all. It visions to be the wealth manager who is the most efficient and has a global presence. It has been working hard towards selecting the best employees ever who can deliver the customer service which is outstanding and one of a kind experience. One of the main aims of this MF is to continue innovating and creating products that yield maximum returns on investments. At last, it understands that what has been taken should be returned back, and therefore focuses on the well being of everyone.
UTI MF’s Functioning and its Products
Established in the year 1969, UTI MF is the oldest fund house of India which has inculcated the investment habit in Indian citizens and helped them in reaching their long-term financial goals. It has tried to increase its reach, as a result of which, today, it has four offices, 4500 agents, and sales of more than Rs. 30 crores. There are a bucket full of schemes that it has launched under different categories such as Equity, Debt, Hybrid, Overnight & Liquid, Exchange Traded Funds, and Solution-Based Fund to satisfy the needs of varied investors. Solution-based Funds are further divided into Wealth Builder, Child Career Planning, Tax Saving, and Retirement Planning.
You may invest in UTI MF online as well as through offline mode. Investing online through MySIPonline is a real time-saver and hassle-free way that has its own benefits. You have these awesome tools in the form of SIP Calculator, Retirement Calculator, and Tax Calculator that you should definitely try before investing in such UTI schemes. They will not only simplify your work but also help you take toughest decisions quickly. As if that was not enough, this platform even provided consultation services absolutely free of cost. So what are you waiting for? Start using this leading platform which is ready to assist you.