Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund (G) is a large and mid-cap fund which has significant orientation in equity instruments of small and mid-cap companies. This equity fund has shown a remarkable performance in the past and is one of the best in its category. The large and mid-cap mutual fund category is considered safe as well as beneficial for investing for long-term as the investor gets the stability and consistency of the large-cap companies along with the high growth margin of mid-cap companies. Large-cap companies are financially stable and experienced; hence they can withstand the unwanted ups and downs in the equity market. The mid-cap companies are neither inexperienced nor fully grown, they have an enormous margin of growth and have a slight experience of the market, hence they can produce huge returns.
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund (G): Analysis
The fund is a top-notch performer and has provided above-expected returns in the long term. It has generated an annualised return of 30.1% in last 5 years which means the units bought with Rs 10,000 in this fund through lumpsum would be priced at Rs 37,231 today. The benchmark and category average lies far behind at 19.51% and 19.28% respectively. In the last 3 years, it has generated an annualised return of 14.8% and 17.7% in the last 2 years. The Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund was launched in July 2010 and has generated an annualised return of 21.41% since then. (data as of 19th July 2018)
The Fund Manager
The credit for this remarkable performance goes to the fund managers who are highly experienced and talented.
Where Do They Invest?
They invest the majority of the corpus in the companies of the banking and finance sector. More than 28% of the corpus is generally allocated to financial firms. In recent years, 5-15% of the corpus is allocated in equity instruments of small-cap companies, 40-50% of the corpus is invested in mid-cap companies, and 40-50% is invested in that of large-cap companies. The large-cap and mid-cap companies generally have nearly equal allocation which is the reason why the fund has been able to generate bumper returns.
The fund welcomes investment only through SIP and lumpsum is allowed. The minimum initial amount to be invested is Rs 5000 after which the SIP of minimum Rs 1000 can be started. It has an aggressive portfolio, and the investor should consult with a financial expert before investing to check whether the fund is suitable for one’s financial goals or not. Connect with the experts of MySIPonline to invest in this fund today and get their premium assistance anytime.